AFAIK, From Spark 1.2.0 you can have WAL (Write Ahead Logs) for fault
tolerance, which means it can handle the receiver/driver failures. You can
also look at the lowlevel kafka consumer
<> which has a better fault
tolerance mechanism for receiver failures. This low level consumer will
push the offset of the message being read into zookeeper for fault
tolerance. In your case i think mostly the "inflight data" would be lost if
you arent using any of the fault tolerance mechanism.

Best Regards

On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 5:24 PM, Mukesh Jha <> wrote:

> Hello Sprakans,
> I'm running a spark streaming app which reads data from kafka topic does
> some processing and then persists the results in HBase.
> I am using spark 1.2.0 running on Yarn cluster with 3 executors (2gb, 8
> cores each). I've enable checkpointing & I am also  rate limiting my
> kafkaReceivers so that the number of items read is not more than 10 records
> per sec.
> The kafkaReceiver I'm using is *not* ReliableKafkaReceiver.
> This app was running fine for ~3 days then there was an increased load on
> the HBase server because of some other process querying HBase tables.
> This led to increase in the batch processing time of the spark batches
> (processed 1 min batch in 10 min) which previously was finishing in 20 sec
> which in turn led to the shutdown of the spark application, PFA the
> executor logs.
> From the logs I'm getting below exceptions *[1]* & *[2]* looks like there
> was some outstanding Jobs that didn't get processed or the Job couldn't
> find the input data. From the logs it looks seems that the shutdown hook
> gets invoked but it cannot process the in-flight block.
> I have a couple of queries on this
>   1) Does this mean that these jobs failed and the *in-flight data *is
> lost?
>   2) Does the Spark job *buffers kafka* input data while the Job is under
> processing state for 10 mins and on shutdown is that too lost? (I do not
> see any OOM error in the logs).
>   3) Can we have *explicit commits* enabled in the kafkaReceiver so that
> the offsets gets committed only when the RDD(s) get successfully processed?
> Also I'd like to know if there is a *graceful way to shutdown a spark app
> running on yarn*. Currently I'm killing the yarn app to stop it which
> leads to loss of that job's history wheras in this case the application
> stops and succeeds and thus preserves the logs & history.
> *[1]* 15/02/02 19:30:11 ERROR client.TransportResponseHandler: Still have
> 1 requests outstanding when connection from
> is closed
> *[2]* java.lang.Exception: Could not compute split, block
> input-2-1422901498800 not found
> *[3]* 
> org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException(org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.LeaseExpiredException):
> No lease on /tmp/spark/realtime-failover/msg_2378481654720966.avro (inode
> 879488): File does not exist. Holder DFSClient_NONMAPREDUCE_-148264920_63
> does not have any open files.
> --
> Thanks & Regards,
> *Mukesh Jha <>*
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