Hi Anders,

I just tried this out and was able to successfully acquire executors.  Any
strange log messages or additional color you can provide on your setup?
Does yarn-client mode work?


On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 1:28 PM, Anders Arpteg <arp...@spotify.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Compiled the latest master of Spark yesterday (2015-02-10) for Hadoop 2.2
> and failed executing jobs in yarn-cluster mode for that build. Works
> successfully with spark 1.2 (and also master from 2015-01-16), so something
> has changed since then that prevents the job from receiving any executors
> on the cluster.
> Basic symptoms are that the jobs fires up the AM, but after examining the
> "executors" page in the web ui, only the driver is listed, no executors
> are ever received, and the driver keep waiting forever. Has anyone seemed
> similar problems?
> Thanks for any insights,
> Anders

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