Hi Cesar,
these methods would be private until new ml api would stabilize (aprox. in spark 1.4). My solution for the same issue was to create org.apache.spark.ml package in my project and extends/implement everything there.

Peter Rudenko

On 2015-02-18 22:17, Cesar Flores wrote:

I am working right now with the ML pipeline, which I really like it. However in order to make a real use of it, I would like create my own transformers that implements org.apache.spark.ml.Transformer. In order to do that, a method from the PipelineStage needs to be implemented. But this method is private to the ml package:

private[ml] deftransformSchema(schema: StructType, paramMap: ParamMap):StructType

Do any user can create their own transformers? If not, do this functionality will be added in the future.

Cesar Flores

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