I am running Spark on Mesos and it works quite well.  I have three
users, all who setup iPython notebooks to instantiate a spark instance
to work with on the notebooks. I love it so far.

Since I am "auto" instantiating (I don't want a user to have to
"think" about instantiating and submitting a spark app to do adhoc
analysis, I want the environment setup ahead of time) this is done
whenever an iPython notebook is open.  So far it's working pretty
good, save one issue:

Every notebook is a new driver. I.e. every time they open a notebook,
a new spark submit is called, and the driver resources are allocated,
regardless if they are used or not.  Yes, it's only the driver, but
even that I find starts slowing down my queries for the notebooks that
using spark.  (I am running in Mesos Fined Grained mode).

I have three users on my system, ideally, I would love to find a way
so that on the first notebook being opened, a driver is started for
that user, and then can be used for any notebook the user has open. So
if they open a new notebook, I can check that yes, the user has a
spark driver running, and thus, that notebook, if there is a query,
will run it through that driver. That allows me to understand the
resource allocation better, and it limits users from running 10
notebooks and having a lot of resources.

The other thing I was wondering is could the driver actually be run on
the mesos cluster? Right now, I have a "edge" node as an iPython
server, the drivers all exist on that server, so as I get more and
more drivers, the box's local resources get depleted with unused
drivers.  Obviously if I could reuse the drivers per user, on that
box, that is great first step, but if I could reuse drivers, and run
them on the cluster, that would be ideal.  looking through the docs I
was not clear on those options. If anyone could point me in the right
direction, I would greatly appreciate it!


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