
I have been trying to get my yarn logs to display in the spark
history-server or yarn history-server. I can see the log information

yarn logs -applicationId application_1424740955620_0009
15/02/23 22:15:14 INFO client.ConfiguredRMFailoverProxyProvider: Failing
over to us3sm2hbqa04r07-comp-prod-local

Container: container_1424740955620_0009_01_000002 on
LogType: stderr
LogLength: 0
Log Contents:

LogType: stdout
LogLength: 897
Log Contents:
[GC [PSYoungGen: 262656K->23808K(306176K)] 262656K->23880K(1005568K),
0.0283450 secs] [Times: user=0.14 sys=0.03, real=0.03 secs]
 PSYoungGen      total 306176K, used 111279K [0x00000000eaa80000,
0x0000000100000000, 0x0000000100000000)
  eden space 262656K, 33% used
  from space 43520K, 54% used
  to   space 43520K, 0% used
 ParOldGen       total 699392K, used 72K [0x00000000bff80000,
0x00000000eaa80000, 0x00000000eaa80000)
  object space 699392K, 0% used
 PSPermGen       total 35328K, used 34892K [0x00000000bad80000,
0x00000000bd000000, 0x00000000bff80000)
  object space 35328K, 98% used

Container: container_1424740955620_0009_01_000003 on
LogType: stderr
LogLength: 0
Log Contents:

LogType: stdout
LogLength: 896
Log Contents:
[GC [PSYoungGen: 262656K->23725K(306176K)] 262656K->23797K(1005568K),
0.0358650 secs] [Times: user=0.28 sys=0.04, real=0.04 secs]
 PSYoungGen      total 306176K, used 65712K [0x00000000eaa80000,
0x0000000100000000, 0x0000000100000000)
  eden space 262656K, 15% used
  from space 43520K, 54% used
  to   space 43520K, 0% used
 ParOldGen       total 699392K, used 72K [0x00000000bff80000,
0x00000000eaa80000, 0x00000000eaa80000)
  object space 699392K, 0% used
 PSPermGen       total 29696K, used 29486K [0x00000000bad80000,
0x00000000bca80000, 0x00000000bff80000)
  object space 29696K, 99% used

Container: container_1424740955620_0009_01_000001 on
LogType: stderr
LogLength: 0
Log Contents:

LogType: stdout
LogLength: 21
Log Contents:
Pi is roughly 3.1416

I can see some details for the application in the spark history-server at
this url
. When running in spark-master mode, I can see the stdout and stderror
somewhere in the spark history-server. Then how do I get the information
which I see above into the Spark history-server ?

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