Sorry guys may bad,
Here is a high level code sample,

val unionStreams = ssc.union(kinesisStreams)
unionStreams.foreachRDD(rdd => {
  rdd.foreach(tweet =>
    val strTweet = new String(tweet, "UTF-8")
    val interaction = InteractionParser.parser(strTweet)

Here I have to close the connection for interactionDAL other wise the JVM gives 
me error that the connection is open. I tried with sticky connection as well 
with keep_alive true. So my guess was that at the point of 
“unionStreams.foreachRDD” or at “rdd.foreach” the code is marshaled and send to 
workers and workers un-marshals and execute the process, which is why the 
connection is alway opened for each RDD. I might be completely wrong. I would 
love to know what is going on underneath.
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