I'm trying to figure out how I might be able to use Spark with a SOCKS proxy.  
That is, my dream is to be able to write code in my IDE then run it without 
much trouble on a remote cluster, accessible only via a SOCKS proxy between the 
local development machine and the master node of the cluster (ignoring, for 
now, any dependencies that would need to be transferred--assume it's a very 
simple app with no dependencies that aren't part of the Spark classpath on the 
cluster).  This is possible with Hadoop by setting 
hadoop.rpc.socket.factory.class.default to 
org.apache.hadoop.net.SocksSocketFactory and hadoop.socks.server to 
localhost:<port on which a SOCKS proxy has been opened via "ssh -D" to the 
master node>.  However, I can't seem to find anything like this for Spark, and 
I only see very few mentions of it on the user list and on stackoverflow, with 
no real answers.  (See links below.)

I thought I might be able to use the JVM's -DsocksProxyHost and 
-DsocksProxyPort system properties, but it still does not seem to work.  That 
is, if I start a SOCKS proxy to my master node using something like "ssh -D 
2600 <master node public name>" then run a simple Spark app that calls 
SparkConf.setMaster("spark://<master node private IP>:7077"), passing in JVM 
args of "-DsocksProxyHost=locahost -DsocksProxyPort=2600", the driver hangs for 
a while before finally giving up ("Application has been killed. Reason: All 
masters are unresponsive! Giving up.").  It seems like it is not even 
attempting to use the SOCKS proxy.  Do -DsocksProxyHost/-DsocksProxyPort not 
even work for Spark?

 (unanswered similar question from somebody else about a month ago)
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-5004 (unresolved, somewhat related 
JIRA from a few months ago)


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