I have this query

 insert overwrite table sojsuccessevents2_spark select
shopCartId,b.transaction_Id as transactionId,offerId,b.bdr_id as
isDuplicate,b.bid_date as
as bidQuantity, b.bid_amt_unit_lstg_curncy * b.bid_exchng_rate as
sellerStdLevel,cssSellerLevel,a.experimentChannel from
sojsuccessevents1 a *join
dw_bid b*  on a.itemId = b.item_id  and  a.transactionId =
 b.transaction_id  where b.auct_end_dt >= '2015-02-16' AND b.bid_dt >=
'2015-02-16'  AND b.bid_type_code IN (1,9) AND b.bdr_id > 0 AND (
b.bid_flags & 32) = 0 and lower(a.successEventType) IN ('bid','bin')

If i create sojsuccessevents2_spark from hive command line and run above
command form Spark SQL program then i get error "sojsuccessevents2_spark
table not found".

Hence i dropped the command from Hive and run create table
sojsuccessevents2_spark from Spark SQL before running above command and it
works until it hits next road block "*dw_bid table not found"*

This makes me belive that Spark for some reason is not able to
read/understand the tables created outside Spark. I did copy
  /apache/hive/conf/hive-site.xml into Spark conf directory.

Please suggest.


On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 1:26 PM, ÐΞ€ρ@Ҝ (๏̯͡๏) <deepuj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a hive table named dw_bid, when i run hive from command prompt and
> run describe dw_bid, it works.
> I want to join a avro file (table) in HDFS with this hive dw_bid table and
> i refer it as dw_bid from Spark SQL program, however i see
> 15/03/26 00:31:01 INFO HiveMetaStore.audit: ugi=dvasthimal
> ip=unknown-ip-addr cmd=get_table : db=default tbl=dw_bid
> 15/03/26 00:31:01 ERROR metadata.Hive:
> NoSuchObjectException(message:default.dw_bid table not found)
> at
> org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaStore$HMSHandler.get_table(HiveMetaStore.java:1560)
> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
> at
> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57)
> Code:
>     val successDetail_S1 = sqlContext.avroFile(input)
>     successDetail_S1.registerTempTable("sojsuccessevents1")
>     val countS1 = sqlContext.sql("select
> guid,sessionKey,sessionStartDate,sojDataDate,seqNum,eventTimestamp,siteId,successEventType,sourceType,itemId,"
> +
>         " shopCartId,b.transaction_Id as transactionId,offerId,b.bdr_id as
> userId,priorPage1SeqNum,priorPage1PageId,exclWMSearchAttemptSeqNum,exclPriorSearchPageId,"
> +
>         "
> exclPriorSearchSeqNum,exclPriorSearchCategory,exclPriorSearchL1,exclPriorSearchL2,currentImpressionId,sourceImpressionId,exclPriorSearchSqr,exclPriorSearchSort,"
> +
>         " isDuplicate,b.bid_date as
> transactionDate,auctionTypeCode,isBin,leafCategoryId,itemSiteId,b.qty_bid
> as bidQuantity," +
>     " b.bid_amt_unit_lstg_curncy * b.bid_exchng_rate as
> bidAmtUsd,offerQuantity,offerAmountUsd,offerCreateDate,buyerSegment,buyerCountryId,sellerId,sellerCountryId,"
> +
>     " sellerStdLevel,cssSellerLevel,a.experimentChannel" +
>     " from sojsuccessevents1 a join dw_bid b " +
>     " on a.itemId = b.item_id  and  a.transactionId =  b.transaction_id "
> +
>     " where b.bid_type_code IN (1,9) AND b.bdr_id > 0 AND ( b.bid_flags &
> 32) = 0 and lower(a.successEventType) IN ('bid','bin')")
>     println("countS1.first:" + countS1.first)
> Any suggestions on how to refer a hive table form Spark SQL?
> --
> Deepak


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