It appears you are using a Cloudera Spark build, 1.3.0-cdh5.4.0-SNAPSHOT,
which expects to find the hadoop command:

/data/PlatformDep/cdh5/dist/bin/ line 164: hadoop:
command not found

If you don't want to use Hadoop, download one of the pre-built Spark
releases from Even the Hadoop builds there will work
okay, as they don't actually attempt to run Hadoop commands.

Dean Wampler, Ph.D.
Author: Programming Scala, 2nd Edition
<> (O'Reilly)
Typesafe <>
@deanwampler <>

On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 3:12 AM, ZhuGe <> wrote:

> Hi,
> i set up a standalone cluster of 5 machines(tmaster, tslave1,2,3,4) with
> spark-1.3.0-cdh5.4.0-snapshort.
> when i execute the sbin/, the master is ok, but i cant see the
> web ui. Moreover, the worker logs is something like this:
> Spark assembly has been built with Hive, including Datanucleus jars on
> classpath
> /data/PlatformDep/cdh5/dist/bin/ line 164: hadoop:
> command not found
> Spark Command: java -cp
> :/data/PlatformDep/cdh5/dist/sbin/../conf:/data/PlatformDep/cdh5/dist/lib/spark-assembly-1.3.0-cdh5.4.0-SNAPSHOT-hadoop2.6.0-cdh5.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:/data/PlatformDep/cdh5/dist/lib/datanucleus-rdbms-3.2.1.jar:/data/PlatformDep/cdh5/dist/lib/datanucleus-api-jdo-3.2.1.jar:/data/PlatformDep/cdh5/dist/lib/datanucleus-core-3.2.2.jar:
> -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -Dspark.akka.logLifecycleEvents=true -Xms512m -Xmx512m
> org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.Worker spark://
> --webui-port 8081
> ========================================
> Using Spark's default log4j profile:
> org/apache/spark/
> 15/03/31 06:47:22 INFO Worker: Registered signal handlers for [TERM, HUP,
> INT]
> 15/03/31 06:47:23 WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop
> library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
> 15/03/31 06:47:23 INFO SecurityManager: Changing view acls to: dcadmin
> 15/03/31 06:47:23 INFO SecurityManager: Changing modify acls to: dcadmin
> 15/03/31 06:47:23 INFO SecurityManager: SecurityManager: authentication
> disabled; ui acls disabled; users with view permissions: Set(dcadmin);
> users with modify permissions: Set(dcadmin)
> 15/03/31 06:47:23 INFO Slf4jLogger: Slf4jLogger started
> 15/03/31 06:47:23 INFO Remoting: Starting remoting
> 15/03/31 06:47:23 INFO Remoting: Remoting started; listening on addresses
> :[akka.tcp://sparkWorker@tslave2:60815]
> 15/03/31 06:47:24 INFO Utils: Successfully started service 'sparkWorker'
> on port 60815.
> 15/03/31 06:47:24 INFO Worker: Starting Spark worker tslave2:60815 with 2
> cores, 3.0 GB RAM
> 15/03/31 06:47:24 INFO Worker: Running Spark version 1.3.0
> 15/03/31 06:47:24 INFO Worker: Spark home: /data/PlatformDep/cdh5/dist
> 15/03/31 06:47:24 INFO Server: jetty-8.y.z-SNAPSHOT
> 15/03/31 06:47:24 INFO AbstractConnector: Started
> SelectChannelConnector@
> 15/03/31 06:47:24 INFO Utils: Successfully started service 'WorkerUI' on
> port 8081.
> 15/03/31 06:47:24 INFO WorkerWebUI: Started WorkerWebUI at
> http://tslave2:8081
> 15/03/31 06:47:24 INFO Worker: Connecting to master akka.tcp://
> sparkMaster@
> 15/03/31 06:47:24 ERROR EndpointWriter: AssociationError
> [akka.tcp://sparkWorker@tslave2:60815] -> [akka.tcp://
> sparkMaster@]: Error [Association failed with
> [akka.tcp://sparkMaster@]] [
> akka.remote.EndpointAssociationException: Association failed with
> [akka.tcp://sparkMaster@]
> Caused by:
> akka.remote.transport.netty.NettyTransport$$anonfun$associate$1$$anon$2: No
> route to host
> ]
> 15/03/31 06:47:24 ERROR EndpointWriter: AssociationError
> [akka.tcp://sparkWorker@tslave2:60815] -> [akka.tcp://
> sparkMaster@]: Error [Association failed with
> [akka.tcp://sparkMaster@]] [
> akka.remote.EndpointAssociationException: Association failed with
> [akka.tcp://sparkMaster@]
> Caused by:
> akka.remote.transport.netty.NettyTransport$$anonfun$associate$1$$anon$2: No
> route to host
> ]
> 15/03/31 06:47:24 ERROR EndpointWriter: AssociationError
> [akka.tcp://sparkWorker@tslave2:60815] -> [akka.tcp://
> sparkMaster@]: Error [Association failed with
> [akka.tcp://sparkMaster@]] [
> akka.remote.EndpointAssociationException: Association failed with
> [akka.tcp://sparkMaster@]
> Caused by:
> akka.remote.transport.netty.NettyTransport$$anonfun$associate$1$$anon$2: No
> route to host
> ]
> 15/03/31 06:47:24 ERROR EndpointWriter: AssociationError
> [akka.tcp://sparkWorker@tslave2:60815] -> [akka.tcp://
> sparkMaster@]: Error [Association failed with
> [akka.tcp://sparkMaster@]] [
> akka.remote.EndpointAssociationException: Association failed with
> [akka.tcp://sparkMaster@]
> the worker machines ping the master machine successfully.
> the hosts is like this:
> tmaster tmaster
> tslave1 tslave1
> tslave2 tslave2
> tslave3 tslave3
> tslave4 tslave4
> Hope someone could help.
> Thanks

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