Hey Jonathan,

Are you referring to disk space used for storing persisted RDD's? For
that, Spark does not bound the amount of data persisted to disk. It's
a similar story to how Spark's shuffle disk output works (and also
Hadoop and other frameworks make this assumption as well for their
shuffle data, AFAIK).

We could (in theory) add a storage level that bounds the amount of
data persisted to disk and forces re-computation if the partition did
not fit. I'd be interested to hear more about a workload where that's
relevant though, before going that route. Maybe if people are using
SSD's that would make sense.

- Patrick

On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 8:19 AM, Jonathan Coveney <jcove...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm surprised that I haven't been able to find this via google, but I
> haven't...
> What is the setting that requests some amount of disk space for the
> executors? Maybe I'm misunderstanding how this is configured...
> Thanks for any help!

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