You could try repartitioning your RDD using a custom partitioner
(HashPartitioner etc) and caching the dataset into memory to speedup the

Best Regards

On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 8:10 PM, Wang, Ningjun (LNG-NPV) <> wrote:

>  I have an RDD that contains millions of Document objects. Each document
> has an unique Id that is a string. I need to find the documents by ids
> quickly. Currently I used RDD join as follow
> First I save the RDD as object file
> allDocs : RDD[Document] = getDocs()  // this RDD contains 7 million
> Document objects
> allDocs.saveAsObjectFile(“/temp/allDocs.obj”)
> Then I wrote a function to find documents by Ids
> def findDocumentsByIds(docids: RDD[String]) = {
> // docids contains less than 100 item
> *val *allDocs : RDD[Document] =sc.*objectFile*[Document]( 
> (“/temp/allDocs.obj”)
> *val *idAndDocs = allDocs.keyBy(d =>
> => (id,id)).join(idAndDocs).map(t => t._2._2)
> }
> I found that this is very slow. I suspect it scan the entire 7 million
> Document objects in “/temp/allDocs.obj” sequentially to find the desired
> document.
> Is there any efficient way to do this?
> One option I am thinking is that instead of storing the RDD[Document] as
> object file, I store each document in a separate file with filename equal
> to the docid. This way I can find a document quickly by docid. However this
> means I need to save the RDD to 7 million small file which will take a very
> long time to save and may cause IO problems with so many small files.
> Is there any other way?
> Ningjun

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