Hi, can you describe a little bit how the ThriftServer crashed, or steps to 
reproduce that? It’s probably a bug of ThriftServer.


From: guoqing0...@yahoo.com.hk [mailto:guoqing0...@yahoo.com.hk]
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 9:55 AM
To: Arush Kharbanda
Cc: user
Subject: Re: Re: problem with spark thrift server

Thanks for your reply , i would like to use Spark Thriftserver as JDBC SQL 
interface and the Spark application running on YARN . but the application was 
FINISHED when the Thriftserver crashed , all the cached table was lost .

Thriftserver start command:
start-thriftserver.sh --master yarn --executor-memory 20480m --executor-cores 2 
 --num-executors 20 --queue spark

My question is whether the Thriftserver has anyother more stable mode on YARN , 
like active standby in the Thriftserver .
Really appreciate for any suggestions and idea .

From: Arush Kharbanda<mailto:ar...@sigmoidanalytics.com>
Date: 2015-04-23 18:40
To: guoqing0...@yahoo.com.hk<mailto:guoqing0...@yahoo.com.hk>
CC: user<mailto:user@spark.apache.org>
Subject: Re: problem with spark thrift server

What do you mean disable the driver? what are you trying to achieve.


On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 12:29 PM, 
<guoqing0...@yahoo.com.hk<mailto:guoqing0...@yahoo.com.hk>> wrote:
Hi ,
I have a question about spark thrift server , i deployed the spark on yarn  and 
found if the spark driver disable , the spark application will be crashed on 
yarn.  appreciate for any suggestions and idea .

Thank you!


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ar...@sigmoidanalytics.com<mailto:ar...@sigmoidanalytics.com> || 

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