Hi Marius,

What’s the expected output?

I would recommend avoiding the groupByKey if possible since it’s going to force 
all records for each key to go to an executor which may overload it.

Also if you need to sort and repartition, try using 
repartitionAndSortWithinPartitions to do it in one shot.


From: Marius Danciu
Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 8:10 AM
To: user
Subject: Spark partitioning question

Hello all,

I have the following Spark (pseudo)code:

rdd = mapPartitionsWithIndex(...)
        .mapPartitionsToPair( f )

The input data has 2 input splits (yarn 2.6.0).
myPartitioner partitions all the records on partition 0, which is correct, so 
the intuition is that f provided to the last transformation 
(mapPartitionsToPair) would run sequentially inside a single yarn container. 
However from yarn logs I do see that both yarn containers are processing 
records from the same partition ... and sometimes  the over all job fails (due 
to the code in f which expects a certain order of records) and yarn container 1 
receives the records as expected, whereas yarn container 2 receives a subset of 
records ... for a reason I cannot explain and f fails.

The overall behavior of this job is that sometimes it succeeds and sometimes it 
fails ... apparently due to inconsistent propagation of sorted records to yarn 

If any of this makes any sense to you, please let me know what I am missing.


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