
I'd like to use a JavaRDD containing parameters for an SQL query, and use
SparkSQL jdbc to load data from mySQL.

Consider the following pseudo code:

JavaRDD<String> namesRdd = ... ;
options.put("url", "jdbc:mysql://mysql?user=usr");
options.put("password", "pass");
options.put("dbtable", "(SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE userName = ?)
DataFrame myTableDF = m_sqlContext.load("jdbc", options);

I'm looking for a way to map namesRdd and get for each name the result of
the queries, without loosing spark context.

Using a mapping function doesn't seem like an option, because I don't have
SQLContext inside it.
I can only think of using collect, and than iterating over the string in
the RDD and execute the query, but it would run in the driver program.

Any suggestions?


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