This is about Kafka Receiver  IF you are using Spark Streaming 


Ps: that book is now behind the curve in a quite a few areas since the release 
of 1.3.1 – read the documentation and forums 


From: James King [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 6, 2015 1:09 PM
To: user
Subject: Receiver Fault Tolerance


In the O'reilly book Learning Spark Chapter 10 section 24/7 Operation 


It talks about 'Receiver Fault Tolerance'


I'm unsure of what a Receiver is here, from reading it sounds like when you 
submit an application to the cluster in cluster mode i.e. --deploy-mode cluster 
the driver program will run on a Worker and this case this Worker is seen as a 
Receiver because it is consuming messages from the source.



Is the above understanding correct? or is there more to it?



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