Finally got it working.

I was trying to access hive using the jdbc driver like I was trying to
access the terradata. 

It took me some time to figure out that default sqlContext created by Spark
supported hive and it uses the hive-site.xml in spark conf folder to access

I had to use my database in hive.

spark-shell> sqlContext.sql("use terradata_live")

Then I registered by terradata database tables as temporary tables.

spark-shell>  val itemDF=
BENCHQADS,PASSWORD=****","dbtable" -> "item")) 

spark-shell> itemDF.registerTempTable("itemterra")

spark-shell> sqlContext.sql("select store_sales.* from store_sales join
itemterra on ( = itemterra.sales_id)

But these seems to be some issue when I try to do the same using hive jdbc
driver. Another difference that I found was in printSchema() output.
printSchema() output for data frame created using hive driver prefixes the
column names with table name but the same does not happen for terradata

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