Either one will work, there is no semantic difference.

The reason I designed the direct api to accept both of those keys is
because they were used to define lists of brokers in pre-existing Kafka
project apis.  I don't know why the Kafka project chose to use 2 different
configuration keys.

On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 5:00 AM, James King <jakwebin...@gmail.com> wrote:

> From: http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/streaming-kafka-integration.html
> I'm trying to use the direct approach to read messages form Kafka.
> Kafka is running as a cluster and configured with Zookeeper.
>  On the above page it mentions:
> "In the Kafka parameters, you must specify either *metadata.broker.list*
>  or *bootstrap.servers*.  ..."
> Can someone please explain the difference of between the two config
> parameters?
> And which one is more relevant in my case?
> Regards
> jk

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