I see that the pre-built distributions includes hive-shims-0.23 shaded in
spark-assembly jar (unlike when I make the distribution myself).
Does anyone knows what I should do to include the shims in my distribution?

On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 9:52 AM, Lior Chaga <lio...@taboola.com> wrote:

> Ultimately it was PermGen out of memory. I somehow missed it in the log
> On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 9:24 AM, Lior Chaga <lio...@taboola.com> wrote:
>> After profiling with YourKit, I see there's an OutOfMemoryException in
>> context SQLContext.applySchema. Again, it's a very small RDD. Each executor
>> has 180GB RAM.
>> On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 8:53 AM, Lior Chaga <lio...@taboola.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Using spark sql with HiveContext. Spark version is 1.3.1
>>> When running local spark everything works fine. When running on spark
>>> cluster I get ClassNotFoundError org.apache.hadoop.hive.shims.Hadoop23Shims.
>>> This class belongs to hive-shims-0.23, and is a runtime dependency for
>>> spark-hive:
>>> [INFO] org.apache.spark:spark-hive_2.10:jar:1.3.1
>>> [INFO] +- org.spark-project.hive:hive-metastore:jar:0.13.1a:compile
>>> [INFO] |  +- org.spark-project.hive:hive-shims:jar:0.13.1a:compile
>>> [INFO] |  |  +-
>>> org.spark-project.hive.shims:hive-shims-common:jar:0.13.1a:compile
>>> [INFO] |  |  +-
>>> org.spark-project.hive.shims:hive-shims-0.20:jar:0.13.1a:runtime
>>> [INFO] |  |  +-
>>> org.spark-project.hive.shims:hive-shims-common-secure:jar:0.13.1a:compile
>>> [INFO] |  |  +-
>>> org.spark-project.hive.shims:hive-shims-0.20S:jar:0.13.1a:runtime
>>> [INFO] |  |  \-
>>> org.spark-project.hive.shims:hive-shims-0.23:jar:0.13.1a:runtime
>>> My spark distribution is:
>>> make-distribution.sh --tgz  -Phive -Phive-thriftserver -DskipTests
>>> If I try to add this dependency to my driver project, then the exception
>>> disappears, but then the task is stuck when registering an rdd as a table
>>> (I get timeout after 30 seconds). I should emphasize that the first rdd I
>>> register as a table is a very small one (about 60K row), and as I said - it
>>> runs swiftly in local.
>>> I suspect maybe other dependencies are missing, but they fail silently.
>>> Would be grateful if anyone knows how to solve it.
>>> Lior

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