Hello All,

I am using spark streaming 1.3 . I want to capture few custom metrics based
on accumulators, I followed somewhat similar to this approach ,

val instrumentation = new SparkInstrumentation("example.metrics")
  * val numReqs = sc.accumulator(0L)
  * instrumentation.source.registerDailyAccumulator(numReqs, "numReqs")
  * instrumentation.register()


After registering metrics via accumulator , I am not able to see values of
these metrics on sink. I tried console sink , but still no luck

Do I need to set any properties in metrics.conf to enable this custom

Also I noticed accumulators are displayed only in the task stages , It is
difficult to identify which task/stage on ui , that information would be
available .

Is there a way accumulators can be displayed on overall Job stats page ?

Any pointers/examples to achieve this would be helpful , spark monitoring
documentation is not very helpful,

Thanks in advance,

- Snehal

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