Hi Tariq

You need to handle the transaction semantics yourself. You could for
example save from the dataframe to a staging table and then write to the
final table using a single atomic "INSERT INTO finalTable from
stagingTable" call. Remember to clear the staging table first to recover
from previous failures if any.


On 2 June 2015 at 16:01, Mohammad Tariq <donta...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi list,
> With the help of Spark DataFrame API we can save a DataFrame into a
> database table through insertIntoJDBC() call. However, I could not find any
> info about how it handles the transactional guarantee. What if my program
> gets killed during the processing? Would it end up in partial load?
> Is it somehow possible to handle these kind of scenarios? Rollback or
> something of that sort?
> Many thanks.
> P.S : I am using spark-1.3.1-bin-hadoop2.4 with java 1.7
> [image: http://]
> Tariq, Mohammad
> about.me/mti
> [image: http://]
> <http://about.me/mti>

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