
How can I write to multiple outputs for each key? I tried to create custom partitioner or define the number of partition but does not work. There are only the few tasks/partitions (which equals to the number of all key combination) gets large datasets, data is not splitting to all tasks/partition. The job failed as the few tasks handled too far large datasets. Below is my code snippet.

val varWFlatRDD = varWRDD.map(FlatMapUtilClass().flatKeyFromWrf).groupByKey() //key are (zone, z, year, month)
        x => {
          val z = x._1._1
          val year = x._1._2
          val month = x._1._3
          val df_table_4dim = x._2.toList.toDF()
hiveContext.sql("INSERT OVERWRITE table 4dim partition (zone=" + ZONE + ",z=" + z + ",year=" + year + ",month=" + month + ") " + "select date, hh, x, y, height, u, v, w, ph, phb, t, p, pb, qvapor, qgraup, qnice, qnrain, tke_pbl, el_pbl from table_4Dim");

From the spark history UI, at groupByKey there are > 1000 tasks (equals to the parent's # partitions). at foreach there are > 1000 tasks as well, but 50 tasks (same as the # all key combination) gets datasets.

How can I fix this problem? Any suggestions are appreciated.


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