Do you build via maven or sbt? How do you submit your application -- do you
use local, standalone or mesos/yarn? Your jars as you originally listed
them seem right to me. Try this, from your ${SPARK_HOME}:

bin/spark-shell  --conf


where you'd have to provide the correct paths to the jars you're using.
This will drop you in a spark-shell

import com.datastax.spark.connector._

val test = sc.cassandraTable("your_keyspace","your_columnfamily")


I would first try to get this running in local mode, and if all works well
start looking at the jar you're distributing via spark-submit and the
classpaths of your executors (this collection of jars does work for me by
the way, so the show cassandra jars definitely work well with Spark 1.3.1).

On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 2:53 AM, Yasemin Kaya <> wrote:

> It is really hell. How can I know which jars match? Which version of
> assembly fits me?
> 2015-06-10 0:59 GMT+03:00 Mohammed Guller <>:
>>  Looks like the real culprit is a library version mismatch:
>> Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
>> org.apache.cassandra.thrift.TFramedTransportFactory.openTransport(Ljava/lang/String;I)Lorg/apache/thrift/transport/TTransport;
>>          at
>> com.datastax.spark.connector.cql.DefaultConnectionFactory$.createThriftClient(CassandraConnectionFactory.scala:41)
>>          at
>> com.datastax.spark.connector.cql.CassandraConnector.createThriftClient(CassandraConnector.scala:134)
>>          ... 28 more
>> The Spark Cassandra Connector is  trying to use a method, which does not
>> exists. That means your assembly jar has the wrong version of the library
>> that SCC is trying to use. Welcome to jar hell!
>> Mohammed
>> *From:* Yasemin Kaya []
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, June 9, 2015 12:24 PM
>> *To:* Mohammed Guller
>> *Cc:* Yana Kadiyska; Gerard Maas;
>> *Subject:* Re: Cassandra Submit
>> My code <> and
>> exception <>.
>> and
>> ~/cassandra/apache-cassandra-2.1.5$ *bin/cqlsh*
>> Connected to Test Cluster at
>> [cqlsh 5.0.1 | Cassandra 2.1.5 | CQL spec 3.2.0 | Native protocol v3]
>> Use HELP for help.
>> cqlsh> use test;
>> cqlsh:test> select * from people;
>> * id | name*
>> *----+---------*
>> *  5 |   eslem*
>> *  1 | yasemin*
>> *  8 |     ali*
>> *  2 |   busra*
>> *  4 |   ilham*
>> *  7 |   kubra*
>> *  6 |    tuba*
>> *  9 |    aslı*
>> *  3 |  Andrew*
>> (9 rows)
>> cqlsh:test>
>> *bin/cassandra-cli -h -p 9160*
>> Connected to: "Test Cluster" on
>> Welcome to Cassandra CLI version 2.1.5
>> The CLI is deprecated and will be removed in Cassandra 3.0.  Consider
>> migrating to cqlsh.
>> CQL is fully backwards compatible with Thrift data; see
>> Type 'help;' or '?' for help.
>> Type 'quit;' or 'exit;' to quit.
>> [default@unknown]
>> yasemin
>> 2015-06-09 22:03 GMT+03:00 Mohammed Guller <>:
>> It is strange that writes works but read does not. If it was a Cassandra
>> connectivity issue, then neither write or read would work. Perhaps the
>> problem is somewhere else.
>> Can you send the complete exception trace?
>> Also, just to make sure that there is no DNS issue, try this:
>> ~/cassandra/apache-cassandra-2.1.5$ bin/cassandra-cli -h -p 9160
>> Mohammed
>> *From:* Yasemin Kaya []
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, June 9, 2015 11:32 AM
>> *To:* Yana Kadiyska
>> *Cc:* Gerard Maas; Mohammed Guller;
>> *Subject:* Re: Cassandra Submit
>> I removed core and streaming jar. And the exception still same.
>> I tried what you said then results:
>> ~/cassandra/apache-cassandra-2.1.5$ bin/cassandra-cli -h localhost -p 9160
>> Connected to: "Test Cluster" on localhost/9160
>> Welcome to Cassandra CLI version 2.1.5
>> The CLI is deprecated and will be removed in Cassandra 3.0.  Consider
>> migrating to cqlsh.
>> CQL is fully backwards compatible with Thrift data; see
>> Type 'help;' or '?' for help.
>> Type 'quit;' or 'exit;' to quit.
>> [default@unknown]
>> and
>> ~/cassandra/apache-cassandra-2.1.5$ bin/cqlsh
>> Connected to Test Cluster at
>> [cqlsh 5.0.1 | Cassandra 2.1.5 | CQL spec 3.2.0 | Native protocol v3]
>> Use HELP for help.
>> cqlsh>
>> Thank you for your kind responses ...
>> 2015-06-09 20:59 GMT+03:00 Yana Kadiyska <>:
>> Hm, jars look ok, although it's a bit of a mess -- you have
>> spark-assembly 1.3.0 but then core and streaming 1.3.1...It's generally a
>> bad idea to mix versions. Spark-assembly bundless all spark packages, so
>> either do them separately or use spark-assembly but don't mix like you've
>> shown.
>> As to the port issue -- what about this:
>> $bin/cassandra-cli -h localhost -p 9160
>> Connected to: "Test Cluster" on localhost/9160
>> Welcome to Cassandra CLI version 2.1.5
>> On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 1:29 PM, Yasemin Kaya <> wrote:
>> My jar files are:
>> cassandra-driver-core-2.1.5.jar
>> cassandra-thrift-2.1.3.jar
>> guava-18.jar
>> jsr166e-1.1.0.jar
>> spark-assembly-1.3.0.jar
>> spark-cassandra-connector_2.10-1.3.0-M1.jar
>> spark-cassandra-connector-java_2.10-1.3.0-M1.jar
>> spark-core_2.10-1.3.1.jar
>> spark-streaming_2.10-1.3.1.jar
>> And my code from datastax spark-cassandra-connector
>> <>
>> .
>> Thanx alot.
>> yasemin
>> 2015-06-09 18:58 GMT+03:00 Yana Kadiyska <>:
>> hm. Yeah, your port is good...have you seen this thread:
>> ? It seems that you might be running into version mis-match issues?
>> What versions of Spark/Cassandra-connector are you trying to use?
>> On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 10:18 AM, Yasemin Kaya <> wrote:
>> Sorry my answer I hit terminal lsof -i:9160: result is
>> lsof -i:9160
>> java    7597 inosens  101u  IPv4  85754      0t0  TCP localhost:9160
>> so 9160 port is available or not ?
>> 2015-06-09 17:16 GMT+03:00 Yasemin Kaya <>:
>> Yes my cassandra is listening on 9160 I think. Actually I know from yaml
>> file. The file includes :
>> rpc_address: localhost
>> # port for Thrift to listen for clients on
>> rpc_port: 9160
>> I check the port "nc -z localhost 9160; echo $?" it returns me "0". I
>> think it close, should I open this port ?
>> 2015-06-09 16:55 GMT+03:00 Yana Kadiyska <>:
>> Is your cassandra installation actually listening on 9160?
>> java    29232 ykadiysk   69u  IPv4 42152497      0t0  TCP localhost:9160 
>>  ​
>> I am running an out-of-the box cassandra conf where
>> rpc_address: localhost
>> # port for Thrift to listen for clients on
>> rpc_port: 9160
>> On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 7:36 AM, Yasemin Kaya <> wrote:
>> I couldn't find any solution. I can write but I can't read from
>> Cassandra.
>> 2015-06-09 8:52 GMT+03:00 Yasemin Kaya <>:
>> Thanks alot Mohammed, Gerard and Yana.
>> I can write to table, but exception returns me. It says "*Exception in
>> thread "main" Failed to open thrift connection to
>> Cassandra at <>*"
>> In yaml file :
>> rpc_address: localhost
>> rpc_port: 9160
>> And at project :
>> .set("", "")
>> .set("spark.cassandra.connection.rpc.port", "9160");
>> or
>> .set("", "localhost")
>> .set("spark.cassandra.connection.rpc.port", "9160");
>> whatever I write setting,  I get same exception. Any help ??
>> 2015-06-08 18:23 GMT+03:00 Yana Kadiyska <>:
>> yes, whatever you put for listen_address in cassandra.yaml. Also, you
>> should try to connect to your cassandra cluster via bin/cqlsh to make sure
>> you have connectivity before you try to make a a connection via spark.
>> On Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 4:43 AM, Yasemin Kaya <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I run my project on local. How can find ip address of my cassandra host
>> ? From cassandra.yaml or ??
>> yasemin
>> 2015-06-08 11:27 GMT+03:00 Gerard Maas <>:
>> ????? = <ip address of your cassandra host>
>> On Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 10:12 AM, Yasemin Kaya <> wrote:
>> Hi ,
>> How can I find And what should I change
>> ? Should I change cassandra.yaml ?
>> Error says me *"Exception in thread "main" Failed
>> to open native connection to Cassandra at {}:9042"*
>> What should I add *SparkConf sparkConf = new
>> SparkConf().setAppName("JavaApiDemo").set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts",
>> "true").set("", ?????);*
>> Best
>> yasemin
>> 2015-06-06 3:04 GMT+03:00 Mohammed Guller <>:
>> Check your setting. It should be pointing
>> to one of your Cassandra nodes.
>> Mohammed
>> *From:* Yasemin Kaya []
>> *Sent:* Friday, June 5, 2015 7:31 AM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* Cassandra Submit
>> Hi,
>> I am using cassandraDB in my project. I had that error *Exception in
>> thread "main" Failed to open native connection to
>> Cassandra at {}:9042*
>> I think I have to modify the submit line. What should I add or remove
>> when I submit my project?
>> Best,
>> yasemin
>> --
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> --
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