To be fair, this is a long-standing issue due to optimizations for object reuse 
in the Hadoop API, and isn't necessarily a failing in Spark - see this blog 
 from 2011 documenting a similar issue.

On June 11, 2015, at 3:17 PM, Sean Owen <> wrote:

Yep you need to use a transformation of the raw value; use toString for 

On Thu, Jun 11, 2015, 8:54 PM Crystal Xing <> wrote:

That is a little scary. 
 So you mean in general, we shouldn't use hadoop's writable as Key in RDD? 

Zheng zheng

On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 6:44 PM, Sean Owen <> wrote:

Guess: it has something to do with the Text object being reused by Hadoop? You 
can't in general keep around refs to them since they change. So you may have a 
bunch of copies of one object at the end that become just one in each 

On Thu, Jun 11, 2015, 8:36 PM Crystal Xing <> wrote:

I load a   list of ids from a text file as NLineInputFormat, and when I do 
distinct(), it returns incorrect number.

 JavaRDD<Text> idListData = jvc
                .hadoopFile(idList, NLineInputFormat.class,
                        LongWritable.class, Text.class).values().distinct()

I should have 7000K distinct value, how every it only returns 7000 values, 
which is the same as number of tasks.  The type I am using is 

However,  if I switch to use String instead of Text, it works correcly. 

I think the Text class should have correct implementation of equals() and 
hashCode() functions since it is the hadoop class. 

Does anyone have clue what is going on? 

I am using spark 1.2. 

Zheng zheng

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