Hi Pawan,

Looking at the changes for that git pull request, it looks like it just
pulls in the dependency (and transitives) for “spark-cassandra-connector”.
Since I am having to build Zeppelin myself anyway, would it be ok to just
add this myself for the connector for 1.4.0 (as found here
What exactly is it that does not currently exist for Spark 1.4?



*From:* pawan kumar [mailto:pkv...@gmail.com]
*Sent:* 22 June 2015 17:19
*To:* Silvio Fiorito
*Cc:* Mohammed Guller; Matthew Johnson; shahid ashraf; user@spark.apache.org
*Subject:* Re: Code review - Spark SQL command-line client for Cassandra


Zeppelin has a cassandra-spark-connector built into the build. I have not
tried it yet may be you could let us know.


To build a Zeppelin version with the *Datastax Spark/Cassandra connector

mvn clean package *-Pcassandra-spark-1.x* -Dhadoop.version=xxx -Phadoop-x.x

Right now the Spark/Cassandra connector is available for *Spark 1.1* and *Spark
1.2*. Support for *Spark 1.3* is not released yet (*but you can build you
own Spark/Cassandra connector version **1.3.0-SNAPSHOT*). Support for *Spark
1.4* does not exist yet

Please do not forget to add -Dspark.cassandra.connection.host=xxx to the
*ZEPPELIN_JAVA_OPTS*parameter in *conf/zeppelin-env.sh* file. Alternatively
you can add this parameter in the parameter list of the *Spark interpreter* on
the GUI


On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 9:04 AM, Silvio Fiorito <
silvio.fior...@granturing.com> wrote:

Yes, just put the Cassandra connector on the Spark classpath and set the
connector config properties in the interpreter settings.

*From: *Mohammed Guller
*Date: *Monday, June 22, 2015 at 11:56 AM
*To: *Matthew Johnson, shahid ashraf

*Cc: *"user@spark.apache.org"
*Subject: *RE: Code review - Spark SQL command-line client for Cassandra

I haven’t tried using Zeppelin with Spark on Cassandra, so can’t say for
sure, but it should not be difficult.


*From:* Matthew Johnson [mailto:matt.john...@algomi.com
*Sent:* Monday, June 22, 2015 2:15 AM
*To:* Mohammed Guller; shahid ashraf
*Cc:* user@spark.apache.org
*Subject:* RE: Code review - Spark SQL command-line client for Cassandra

Thanks Mohammed, it’s good to know I’m not alone!

How easy is it to integrate Zeppelin with Spark on Cassandra? It looks like
it would only support Hadoop out of the box. Is it just a case of dropping
the Cassandra Connector onto the Spark classpath?



*From:* Mohammed Guller [mailto:moham...@glassbeam.com]
*Sent:* 20 June 2015 17:27
*To:* shahid ashraf
*Cc:* Matthew Johnson; user@spark.apache.org
*Subject:* RE: Code review - Spark SQL command-line client for Cassandra

It is a simple Play-based web application. It exposes an URI for submitting
a SQL query. It then executes that query using CassandraSQLContext provided
by Spark Cassandra Connector. Since it is web-based, I added an
authentication and authorization layer to make sure that only users with
the right authorization can use it.

I am happy to open-source that code if there is interest. Just need to
carve out some time to clean it up and remove all the other services that
this web application provides.


*From:* shahid ashraf [mailto:sha...@trialx.com <sha...@trialx.com>]
*Sent:* Saturday, June 20, 2015 6:52 AM
*To:* Mohammed Guller
*Cc:* Matthew Johnson; user@spark.apache.org
*Subject:* RE: Code review - Spark SQL command-line client for Cassandra

Hi Mohammad
Can you provide more info about the Service u developed

On Jun 20, 2015 7:59 AM, "Mohammed Guller" <moham...@glassbeam.com> wrote:

Hi Matthew,

It looks fine to me. I have built a similar service that allows a user to
submit a query from a browser and returns the result in JSON format.

Another alternative is to leave a Spark shell or one of the notebooks
(Spark Notebook, Zeppelin, etc.) session open and run queries from there.
This model works only if people give you the queries to execute.


*From:* Matthew Johnson [mailto:matt.john...@algomi.com]
*Sent:* Friday, June 19, 2015 2:20 AM
*To:* user@spark.apache.org
*Subject:* Code review - Spark SQL command-line client for Cassandra

Hi all,

I have been struggling with Cassandra’s lack of adhoc query support (I know
this is an anti-pattern of Cassandra, but sometimes management come over
and ask me to run stuff and it’s impossible to explain that it will take me
a while when it would take about 10 seconds in MySQL) so I have put
together the following code snippet that bundles DataStax’s Cassandra Spark
connector and allows you to submit Spark SQL to it, outputting the results
in a text file.

Does anyone spot any obvious flaws in this plan?? (I have a lot more error
handling etc in my code, but removed it here for brevity)

    *privatevoid* run(String sqlQuery) {

        SparkContext scc = *new* SparkContext(conf);

        CassandraSQLContext csql = *new* CassandraSQLContext(scc);

        DataFrame sql = csql.sql(sqlQuery);

        String folderName = "/tmp/output_" + System.*currentTimeMillis*();

        *LOG*.info("Attempting to save SQL results in folder: " +


        *LOG*.info("SQL results saved");


    *publicstaticvoid* main(String[] args) {

        String sparkMasterUrl = args[0];

        String sparkHost = args[1];

        String sqlQuery = args[2];

        SparkConf conf = *new* SparkConf();

        conf.setAppName("Java Spark SQL");


        conf.set("spark.cassandra.connection.host", sparkHost);

        JavaSparkSQL app = *new* JavaSparkSQL(conf);

        app.run(sqlQuery, printToConsole);


I can then submit this to Spark with ‘spark-submit’:

Ø  *./spark-submit --class com.algomi.spark.JavaSparkSQL --master
spark://sales3:7077 sales3 "select * from mykeyspace.operationlog" *

It seems to work pretty well, so I’m pretty happy, but wondering why this
isn’t common practice (at least I haven’t been able to find much about it
on Google) – is there something terrible that I’m missing?



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