
I have a spark streaming application where I need to access a model saved
in a HashMap.
I have *no problems in running the same code with broadcast variables in
the local installation.* However I get a *null pointer* *exception* when I
deploy it on my spark test cluster.

I have stored a model in a HashMap<String, FieldModel> which is
serializable. I use a broadcast variables declared as a global static
variable to broadcast this hashmap:

public static Broadcast<HashMap<String,FieldModel>> br;

HashMap<String,FieldModel> hm = checkerObj.getModel(esserver, type);

br = ssc.sparkContext().broadcast(hm);

I need to access this model in my mapper phase, and do some operation based
on the checkup. The following is a snippet of how I access the broadcast

JavaDStream<Tuple3<Long,Double,String>> split = matched.map(new

class GenerateType2Scores implements Function<String, Tuple3<Long,
Double, String>> {
    public Tuple3<Long, Double, String> call(String s) throws Exception{

        Long time = Type2ViolationChecker.getMTS(s);
        HashMap<String,FieldModel> temphm= Type2ViolationChecker.br.value();

        Double score = Type2ViolationChecker.getAnomalyScore(temphm,s);
        return new Tuple3<Long, Double, String>(time,score, s);}

The temphm should refer to the hashmap stored in the broadcast variable.
Can anyone help me understand what is the correct way to access broadcast
variables in JAVA?


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