There is no direct one to one mapping between Executor and Node


Executor is simply the spark framework term for JVM instance with some spark 
framework system code running in it 


A node is a physical server machine 


You can have more than one JVM per node 


And vice versa you can have Nodes without any JVM running on them. How? BY 
specifying the number of executors to be less than the number of nodes  


So if you specify number of executors to be 1 and you have 5 nodes,  ONE 
executor will run on only one of them 


The above is valid for Spark on YARN 


For spark in standalone mode the number of executors is equal to the number of 
spark worker processes (daemons) running on each node


From: Wojciech Pituła [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 12:38 PM
Subject: Spark Streaming: limit number of nodes


I have set up small standalone cluster: 5 nodes, every node has 5GB of memory 
an 8 cores. As you can see, node doesn't have much RAM.


I have 2 streaming apps, first one is configured to use 3GB of memory per node 
and second one uses 2GB per node.


My problem is, that smaller app could easily run on 2 or 3 nodes, instead of 5 
so I could lanuch third app. 


Is it possible to limit number of nodes(executors) that app wil get from 
standalone cluster?

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