Hi Dave, 

I don't understand Keeberos much but if you know the exact steps that needs to 
happen I can see how we can make that happen with the Spark framework.


> On Jun 26, 2015, at 8:49 AM, Dave Ariens <dari...@blackberry.com> wrote:
> I understand that Kerberos support for accessing Hadoop resources in Spark 
> only works when running Spark on YARN.  However, I'd really like to hack 
> something together for Spark on Mesos running alongside a secured Hadoop 
> cluster.  My simplified appplication (gist: 
> https://gist.github.com/ariens/2c44c30e064b1790146a) receives a Kerberos 
> principal and keytab when submitted.  The static main method called currently 
> then performs a UserGroupInformation. loginUserFromKeytab(userPrincipal, 
> userKeytab) and authenticates to the Hadoop.  This works on YARN (curiously 
> without even without having to kinit first), but not on Mesos.  Is there a 
> way to have the slaves  running the tasks perform the same kerberos login 
> before they attempt to access HDFS?  
> Putting aside the security of Spark/Mesos and how that keytab would get 
> distributed, I'm just looking for a working POC.
> Is there a way to leverage the Broadcast capability to send a function that 
> performs this?  
> https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/api/scala/index.html#org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast
> Ideally, I'd love for this to not incur much overhead and just simply allow 
> me to work around the absent Kerberos support...
> Thanks,
> Dave

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