In preparing a DataFrame (spark 1.4) to use with MLlib's kmeans.train
method, is there a cleaner way to create the Vectors than this?{r => Vectors.dense(r.getDouble(0), r.getDouble(3), r.getDouble(4),
r.getDouble(5), r.getDouble(6))}

Second, once I train the model and call predict on my vectorized dataset,
what's the best way to relate the cluster assignments back to the original
data frame?

That is, I started with df1, which has a bunch of domain information in
each row and also the doubles I use to cluster.  I vectorize the doubles
and then train on them.  I use the resulting model to predict clusters for
the vectors.  I'd like to look at the original domain information in light
of the clusters to which they are now assigned.

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