Hello All, I also posted this on the Spark/Datastax thread, but thought it was also 50% a spark question (or mostly a spark question).
I was wondering what is the best practice to saving streaming Spark SQL ( https://github.com/Intel-bigdata/spark-streamingsql/blob/master/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/streaming/examples/KafkaDDL.scala) results to Cassandra? The query looks like this: streamSqlContext.sql( """ |SELECT t.word, COUNT(t.word) |FROM (SELECT * FROM t_kafka) OVER (WINDOW '9' SECONDS, SLIDE '3' SECONDS) AS t |GROUP BY t.word """.stripMargin) .foreachRDD { r => r.toString()}.map(x => x.split(",")).map(x=>data(x(0),x(1))).saveToCassandra("demo", "sqltest") I’m getting a message saying map isn’t a member of Unit. I thought since I'm converting it to a string I can call a map/save to Cassandra function there, but it seems like I can't call map after r.toString()? Please let me know if this is possible and what is the best way of doing this. Thank you for the help! -Su