Can you send the error messages again? I'm not seeing them.

On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 2:45 AM, shivamverma <>

> Hi
> I am running Spark 1.4 in Standalone mode on top of Hadoop 2.3 on a CentOS
> node. I am trying to run grid search on an RF classifier to classify a
> small
> dataset using the module, specifically the
> ParamGridBuilder and CrossValidator classes. I get the following error when
> I try passing a DataFrame of Features-Labels to CrossValidator:
> I tried the following code, using the dataset given in Spark's CV
> documentation for  cross validator
> <
> >
> . I also pass the DF through a StringIndexer transformation for the RF:
> Note that the above dataset works on logistic regression. I have also tried
> a larger dataset with sparse vectors as features (which I was originally
> trying to fit) but received the same error on RF.
> My guess is that there is an issue with how
> BinaryClassificationEvaluator(self, rawPredictionCol="rawPrediction",
> labelCol="label", metricName="areaUnderROC") interprets the 'rawPredict'
> column - with LR, the rawPredictionCol is a list/vector, whereas with RF,
> the prediction column is a double.
> Is it an issue with the evaluator, or is there something else that I'm
> missing?
> Thanks!
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