Yes. I did this recently. You need to copy the cloudera cluster related
conf files into the local machine

And also local machine should be able to ssh to the cloudera cluster.

On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 8:51 AM, ayan guha <> wrote:

> Assuming you run spark locally (ie either local mode or standalone cluster
> on your localm/c)
> 1. You need to have hadoop binaries locally
> 2. You need to have hdfs-site on Spark Classpath of your local m/c
> I would suggest you to start off with local files to play around.
> If you need to run spark on CDH cluster using Yarn, then you need to use
> spark-submit to yarn cluster. You can see a very good example here:
> On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 10:36 PM, Jeskanen, Elina <>
> wrote:
>>  I have Spark 1.4 on my local machine and I would like to connect to our
>> local 4 nodes Cloudera cluster. But how?
>> In the example it says text_file = spark.textFile("hdfs://..."), but can
>> you advise me in where to get this "hdfs://..." -address?
>> Thanks!
>> Elina
> --
> Best Regards,
> Ayan Guha

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