Can you try setting the spark.yarn.jar property to make sure it points to
the jar you're thinking of?


On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 11:32 AM, Arun Ahuja <> wrote:

> Yes, it's a YARN cluster and using spark-submit to run.  I have SPARK_HOME
> set to the directory above and using the spark-submit script from there.
> bin/spark-submit --master yarn-client --executor-memory 10g --driver-memory 
> 8g --num-executors 400 --executor-cores 1 --class 
> org.hammerlab.guacamole.Guacamole --conf spark.default.parallelism=4000 
> --conf
> ​
> is also there
> ls  /usr/lib64/
> /usr/lib64/
> These are jniloader files in the jar
> jar tf 
> /hpc/users/ahujaa01/src/spark/assembly/target/scala-2.10/spark-assembly-1.5.0-SNAPSHOT-hadoop2.6.0.jar
>  | grep jniloader
> META-INF/maven/com.github.fommil/jniloader/
> META-INF/maven/com.github.fommil/jniloader/pom.xml
> META-INF/maven/com.github.fommil/jniloader/
> ​
> Thanks,
> Arun
> On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 1:30 PM, Sean Owen <> wrote:
>> Make sure /usr/lib64 contains; that's really the issue.
>> I'm pretty sure the answer is 'yes', but, make sure the assembly has
>> jniloader too. I don't see why it wouldn't, but, that's needed.
>> What is your env like -- local, standalone, YARN? how are you running?
>> Just want to make sure you are using this assembly across your cluster.
>> On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 6:26 PM, Arun Ahuja <> wrote:
>>> Hi Sean,
>>> Thanks for the reply! I did double-check that the jar is one I think I
>>> am running:
>>> [image: Inline image 2]
>>> jar tf 
>>> /hpc/users/ahujaa01/src/spark/assembly/target/scala-2.10/spark-assembly-1.5.0-SNAPSHOT-hadoop2.6.0.jar
>>>  | grep netlib | grep Native
>>> com/github/fommil/netlib/NativeRefARPACK.class
>>> com/github/fommil/netlib/NativeRefBLAS.class
>>> com/github/fommil/netlib/NativeRefLAPACK.class
>>> com/github/fommil/netlib/NativeSystemARPACK.class
>>> com/github/fommil/netlib/NativeSystemBLAS.class
>>> com/github/fommil/netlib/NativeSystemLAPACK.class
>>> Also, I checked the gfortran version on the cluster nodes and it is
>>> available and is 5.1
>>> $ gfortran --version
>>> GNU Fortran (GCC) 5.1.0
>>> Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
>>> and still see:
>>> 15/07/17 13:20:53 WARN BLAS: Failed to load implementation from: 
>>> com.github.fommil.netlib.NativeSystemBLAS
>>> 15/07/17 13:20:53 WARN BLAS: Failed to load implementation from: 
>>> com.github.fommil.netlib.NativeRefBLAS
>>> 15/07/17 13:20:53 WARN LAPACK: Failed to load implementation from: 
>>> com.github.fommil.netlib.NativeSystemLAPACK
>>> 15/07/17 13:20:53 WARN LAPACK: Failed to load implementation from: 
>>> com.github.fommil.netlib.NativeRefLAPACK
>>> ​
>>> Does anything need to be adjusted in my application POM?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Arun
>>> On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 5:26 PM, Sean Owen <> wrote:
>>>> Yes, that's most of the work, just getting the native libs into the
>>>> assembly. netlib can find them from there even if you don't have BLAS
>>>> libs on your OS, since it includes a reference implementation as a
>>>> fallback.
>>>> One common reason it won't load is not having libgfortran installed on
>>>> your OSes though. It has to be 4.6+ too. That can't be shipped even in
>>>> netlib and has to exist on your hosts.
>>>> The other thing I'd double-check is whether you are really using this
>>>> assembly you built for your job -- like, it's the actually the
>>>> assembly the executors are using.
>>>> On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 8:47 PM, Arun Ahuja <> wrote:
>>>> > Is there more documentation on what is needed to setup BLAS/LAPACK
>>>> native
>>>> > suport with Spark.
>>>> >
>>>> > I’ve built spark with the -Pnetlib-lgpl flag and see that the netlib
>>>> classes
>>>> > are in the assembly jar.
>>>> >
>>>> > jar tvf spark-assembly-1.5.0-SNAPSHOT-hadoop2.6.0.jar  | grep netlib
>>>> | grep
>>>> > Native
>>>> >   6625 Tue Jul 07 15:22:08 EDT 2015
>>>> > com/github/fommil/netlib/NativeRefARPACK.class
>>>> >  21123 Tue Jul 07 15:22:08 EDT 2015
>>>> > com/github/fommil/netlib/NativeRefBLAS.class
>>>> > 178334 Tue Jul 07 15:22:08 EDT 2015
>>>> > com/github/fommil/netlib/NativeRefLAPACK.class
>>>> >   6640 Tue Jul 07 15:22:10 EDT 2015
>>>> > com/github/fommil/netlib/NativeSystemARPACK.class
>>>> >  21138 Tue Jul 07 15:22:10 EDT 2015
>>>> > com/github/fommil/netlib/NativeSystemBLAS.class
>>>> > 178349 Tue Jul 07 15:22:10 EDT 2015
>>>> > com/github/fommil/netlib/NativeSystemLAPACK.class
>>>> >
>>>> > Also I see the following in /usr/lib64
>>>> >
>>>> >> ls /usr/lib64/libblas.
>>>> > libblas.a
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >> ls /usr/lib64/liblapack
>>>> > liblapack.a         liblapack_pic.a
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > But I stil see the following in the Spark logs:
>>>> >
>>>> > 15/07/07 15:36:25 WARN BLAS: Failed to load implementation from:
>>>> > com.github.fommil.netlib.NativeSystemBLAS
>>>> > 15/07/07 15:36:25 WARN BLAS: Failed to load implementation from:
>>>> > com.github.fommil.netlib.NativeRefBLAS
>>>> > 15/07/07 15:36:26 WARN LAPACK: Failed to load implementation from:
>>>> > com.github.fommil.netlib.NativeSystemLAPACK
>>>> > 15/07/07 15:36:26 WARN LAPACK: Failed to load implementation from:
>>>> > com.github.fommil.netlib.NativeRefLAPACK
>>>> >
>>>> > Anything in this process I missed?
>>>> >
>>>> > Thanks,
>>>> > Arun

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