Quick example problem that's stumping me:

* Users have 1 or more phone numbers and therefore one or more area codes.
* There are 100M users.
* States have one or more area codes.
* I would like to the states for the users (as indicated by phone area

I was thinking about something like this:

If area_code_user looks like (area_code,[user_id]) ex: (615,[1234567])
and area_code_state looks like (area_code,state) ex: (615, ["Tennessee"])
then we could do

states_and_users_mixed = area_code_user.join(area_code_state) \
    .reduceByKey(lambda a,b: a+b) \

user_state_pairs = states_and_users_mixed.flatMap(
        emit_cartesian_prod_of_userids_and_states )
user_to_states =   user_state_pairs.reduceByKey(lambda a,b: a+b)


>>> (1234567,["Tennessee","Tennessee","California"])

This would work, but the user_state_pairs is just a list of user_ids and
state names mixed together and emit_cartesian_prod_of_userids_and_states
has to correctly pair them. This is problematic because 1) it's weird and
sloppy and 2) there will be lots of users per state and having so many
users in a single row is going to make
emit_cartesian_prod_of_userids_and_states work extra hard to first locate
states and then emit all userid-state pairs.

How should I be doing this?


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