I'd recommend starting with a few of the code examples to get a sense of
Spark usage (in the examples/ folder when you check out the code).  Then,
you can work through the Spark methods they call, tracing as deep as needed
to understand the component you are interested in.

You can also find an interesting (small) JIRA, examine the piece of code it
mentions, and explore out from that initial "entry point."  That's how I
mostly did it.  Good luck!


On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 10:48 AM, shashank kapoor <
shashank.prof...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I am new to apache spark, I wanted to start contributing to this project.
> But before that I need to understand the basic coding flow here. I read
> "How to contribute to apache spark" but I couldn't find any way to start
> reading the code and start understanding Code Flow. Can anyone tell me
> entry point for the code.
> --
> Regards
> Shashank Kapoor

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