In stream application how many times the map transformation object being

Say I have

(new FlatMapFunction_derivedclass(configs));

class FlatMapFunction_derivedclass{
FlatMapFunction_derivedclass(Config config){

public Iterable<String> call(Iterator<byte[][]> t) throws Exception {..}

How many times FlatMapFunction_derivedclass will be instantiated ?

1.Will the constructor of this class be called only once and same object is
serialised and transferred to executors at each batch interval and
deserialized at each batch interval on executors.So if my stream
application has run 400 batches, same object has been deserialised 400
times ?

2.So I should avoid creating external connection object say http connection
in constrcuor of FlatMapFunction_derivedclass rather it should only be
created in call function always and will be craeted at each batch interval ?

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