
My Spark job (running in local[*] with spark 1.4.1) reads data from a
thrift server(Created an RDD, it will compute the partitions in
getPartitions() call and in computes hasNext will return records from these
partitions), count(), foreach() is working fine it returns the correct
number of records. But whenever there is shuffleMap stage (like reduceByKey
etc.) then all the tasks are executing properly but it enters in an
infinite loop saying :

   1. 15/08/11 13:05:54 INFO DAGScheduler: Resubmitting ShuffleMapStage 1 (map
   at FilterMain.scala:59) because some of its tasks had failed: 0, 3

Here's the complete stack-trace http://pastebin.com/hyK7cG8S

What could be the root cause of this problem? I looked up and bumped into
this closed JIRA <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-583> (which
is very very old)

Best Regards

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