I'm not sure what you're looking for, since you can't really compare
Standalone with YARN or Mesos, as Standalone is assuming the Spark
workers/master owns the cluster, and YARN/Mesos is trying to share the
cluster among different applications/frameworks.

And when you refer to resource utilization, what exactly does it mean to
you? Is it the ability to maximize the usage of your resources with
multiple applications in mind, or just how much configuration Spark allows
you to in each mode?


On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 2:16 PM, ÐΞ€ρ@Ҝ (๏̯͡๏) <deepuj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Do we have any comparisons in terms of resource utilization, scheduling of
> running Spark in the below three modes
> 1) Standalone
> 2) over YARN
> 3) over Mesos
> Can some one share resources (thoughts/URLs) on this area.
> --
> Deepak

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