Hi Cody,

by start/stopping, do you mean the streaming context or the app entirely?
>From what I understand once a streaming context has been stopped it cannot
be restarted, but I also haven't found a way to stop the app

The batch duration will probably be around 1-10 seconds. I think this is
small enough to not make it a batch job?

Thanks again

On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 10:15 PM, Cody Koeninger <c...@koeninger.org> wrote:

> The current kafka stream implementation assumes the set of topics doesn't
> change during operation.
> You could either take a crack at writing a subclass that does what you
> need; stop/start; or if your batch duration isn't too small, you could run
> it as a series of RDDs (using the existing KafkaUtils.createRDD) where the
> set of topics is determined before each rdd.
> On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 4:38 AM, Nisrina Luthfiyati <
> nisrina.luthfiy...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I want to write a Spark Streaming program that listens to Kafka for a
>> list of topics.
>> The list of topics that I want to consume is stored in a DB and might
>> change dynamically. I plan to periodically refresh this list of topics in
>> the Spark Streaming app.
>> My question is is it possible to add/remove a Kafka topic that is
>> consumed by a stream, or probably create a new stream at runtime?
>> Would I need to stop/start the program or is there any other way to do
>> this?
>> Thanks!
>> Nisrina

Nisrina Luthfiyati - Ilmu Komputer Fasilkom UI 2010

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