I have pretty much the same "symptoms" - the computation itself is pretty
fast, but most of my computation is spent in JavaToPython steps (~15min).
I'm using the Spark 1.5.0-rc1 with DataFrame and ML Pipelines.
Any insights into what these steps are exactly ?

2015-06-02 9:18 GMT+02:00 Karlson <ksonsp...@siberie.de>:

> Hi, the code is some hundreds lines of Python. I can try to compose a
> minimal example as soon as I find the time, though. Any ideas until then?
> Would you mind posting the code?
>> On 2 Jun 2015 00:53, "Karlson" <ksonsp...@siberie.de> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> In all (pyspark) Spark jobs, that become somewhat more involved, I am
>>> experiencing the issue that some stages take a very long time to complete
>>> and sometimes don't at all. This clearly correlates with the size of my
>>> input data. Looking at the stage details for one such stage, I am
>>> wondering
>>> where Spark spends all this time. Take this table of the stages task
>>> metrics for example:
>>> Metric                          Min             25th
>>> percentile      Median          75th percentile Max
>>> Duration                        1.4 min         1.5 min         1.7 min
>>>      1.9 min         2.3 min
>>> Scheduler Delay                 1 ms            3 ms            4 ms
>>>       5 ms            23 ms
>>> Task Deserialization Time       1 ms            2 ms            3 ms
>>>       8 ms            22 ms
>>> GC Time                         0 ms            0 ms            0 ms
>>>       0 ms            0 ms
>>> Result Serialization Time       0 ms            0 ms            0 ms
>>>       0 ms            1 ms
>>> Getting Result Time             0 ms            0 ms            0 ms
>>>       0 ms            0 ms
>>> Input Size / Records            23.9 KB / 1     24.0 KB / 1     24.1 KB /
>>> 1     24.1 KB / 1     24.3 KB / 1
>>> Why is the overall duration almost 2min? Where is all this time spent,
>>> when no progress of the stages is visible? The progress bar simply
>>> displays
>>> 0 succeeded tasks for a very long time before sometimes slowly
>>> progressing.
>>> Also, the name of the stage displayed above is `javaToPython at null:-1`,
>>> which I find very uninformative. I don't even know which action exactly
>>> is
>>> responsible for this stage. Does anyone experience similar issues or have
>>> any advice for me?
>>> Thanks!
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*Olivier Girardot* | AssociƩ
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