
I am trying to start a spark thrift server using the following command on
Spark 1.3.1 running on yarn:

* ./sbin/start-thriftserver.sh --master yarn://resourcemanager.snc1:8032
--executor-memory 512m --hiveconf
hive.server2.thrift.bind.host=test-host.sn1 --hiveconf
hive.server2.thrift.port=10001 --queue public*
It starts up fine and is able to connect to the hive metastore.
I now need to view some temporary tables using this thrift server so I
start up SparkSql and register a temp table.
But the problem is that I am unable to view the temp table using the
beeline client. I am pretty sure I am going wrong somewhere and the spark
documentation does not clearly say how to run the thrift server in yarn
mode or maybe I missed something.
Could someone tell me how this is to be done or point me to some

Thanks in advance,

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