
We are running a distibuted indexing service for Solr (4.7) on a Spark (1.2) 
cluster. Now we wanted to upgrade to Solr 5.3 and are running into problems 
with dependencies.

Solr 5 brings in org.apache.httpcomponents httpclient 4.4.1 (1) and the 
prebuilt binary for Spark 1.2.2 for CDH 4 brings in httpclient 4.2.5 which 
crashes indexing Solr via SolrJ.

Is there a way of not bringing this dependency in? Is there a way of having a 
different classloader for my client application? I saw that there is 
`spark.driver.userClassPathFirst`, is it something that would help?


(2) cd $HOME/Downloads
wget http://apache.xl-mirror.nl/spark/spark-1.2.2/spark-1.2.2-bin-cdh4.tgz
tar xzvf spark-1.2.2-bin-cdh4.tgz
unzip -p 
org/apache/http/version.properties | grep release
info.release   = 4.2.5
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