Can you provide more info (what version of spark, code example)?

On Tue, Sep 8, 2015 at 8:18 AM, Alexey Ponkin <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have an application with 2 streams, which are joined together.
> Stream1 - is simple DStream(relativly small size batch chunks)
> Stream2 - is a windowed DStream(with duration for example 60 seconds)
> Stream1 and Stream2 are Kafka direct stream.
> The problem is that according to logs window operation is constantly
> increasing(<a href="
> ">screen</a>).
> And also I see gap in pocessing window(<a href="
> in logs there are no events in that period.
> So what is happen in that gap and why window is constantly insreasing?
> Thank you in advance
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