Do you mean by running a model on every label ?
That's another solution of course.

If you mean LogisticRegression natively "supports" multilabel, can you
provide me some references. From what I see in the code it uses LabeledPoint
which has only one label.

2015-09-11 21:54 GMT+08:00 Yanbo Liang <>:

> LogisticRegression in MLlib(not ML) package supports both multiclass and 
> multilabel classification.
> 2015-09-11 16:21 GMT+08:00 Alexis Gillain <>:
>> You can try these packages for :
>> (scala)
>> or
>> (java)
>> 2015-09-11 15:29 GMT+08:00 Yasemin Kaya <>:
>>> Hi,
>>> I want to use Mllib for multilabel classification, but I find
>>> it is not what I mean. Is there a way to use  multilabel classification?
>>> Thanks alot.
>>> Best,
>>> yasemin
>>> --
>>> hiç ender hiç
>> --
>> Alexis GILLAIN


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