Please could you explain me what is exactly distributed when I launch a spark 
streaming job over YARN cluster ?
My code is something like :

JavaDStream<JMSEvent> customReceiverStream = 

JavaDStream<String> incoming_msg = customReceiverStream.map(
                                new Function<JMSEvent, String>()
                                        public String call(JMSEvent jmsEvent)
                                                return jmsEvent.getText();

incoming_msg.foreachRDD( new Function<JavaRDD<String>,  Void>() {
        public Void call(JavaRDD<String> rdd) throws Exception {
                rdd.foreachPartition(new VoidFunction<Iterator<String>>() {     
                        public void call(Iterator<String> msg) throws Exception 
                                while (msg.hasNext()) {
                                   // insert message in MongoDB

So, in this code , at what step is done the distribution over YARN :
- Does my receiver is distributed (and so all the rest also) ?
- Does the foreachRDD is distributed (and so all the rest also)?
- Does foreachPartition is distributed ?


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