Can you check if you can provide example of the conversion?

On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 2:05 PM, Hemant Bhanawat <>

> Oh, this is an internal class of our project and I had used it without
> realizing the source.
> Anyway, the idea is to  wrap the InternalRow in a class that derives from
> Row. When you implement the functions of the trait 'Row ', the type
> conversions from Row types to InternalRow types has to be done for each of
> the types. But, as I can see, the primitive types (apart from String) don't
> need conversions. Map and Array would need some handling.
> I will check with the author of this code, I think this code can be
> contributed to Spark.
> Hemant
> On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 3:30 PM, Ophir Cohen <> wrote:
>> From which jar WrappedInternalRow comes from?
>> It seems that I can't find it.
>> BTW
>> What I'm trying to do now is to create scala array from the fields and
>> than create Row out of that array.
>> The problem is that I get types mismatches...
>> On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 8:03 AM, Hemant Bhanawat <>
>> wrote:
>>> An approach can be to wrap your MutableRow in WrappedInternalRow which
>>> is a child class of Row.
>>> Hemant
>>> On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 3:21 PM, Ophir Cohen <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Guys,
>>>> I'm upgrading to Spark 1.5.
>>>> In our previous version (Spark 1.3 but it was OK on 1.4 as well) we
>>>> created GenericMutableRow
>>>> (org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.GenericMutableRow) and return it
>>>> as org.apache.spark.sql.Row
>>>> Starting from Spark 1.5 GenericMutableRow isn't extends Row.
>>>> What do you suggest to do?
>>>> How can I convert GenericMutableRow to Row?
>>>> Prompt answer will be highly appreciated!
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Ophir

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