Hmm, that looks like it should work to me.  What version of Spark?  What is
the schema of goods?

On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 6:13 AM, Maheshakya Wijewardena <>

> Hi,
> Suppose there is data frame called goods with columns "barcode" and
> "items". Some of the values in the column "items" can be null.
> I want to the barcode and the respective items from the table adhering the
> following rules:
>    - If "items" is null -> output 0
>    - else -> output "items" ( the actual value in the column)
> I would write a query like:
> *SELECT barcode, IF(items is null, 0, items) FROM goods*
> But this query fails with the error:
> *unresolved operator 'Project [if (IS NULL items#1) 0 else items#1 AS
> c0#132]; *
> It seems I can only use numerical values inside this IF statement, but
> when a column name is used, it fails.
> Is there any workaround to do this?
> Best regards.
> --
> Pruthuvi Maheshakya Wijewardena
> Software Engineer
> WSO2 :
> Email:
> Mobile: +94711228855

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