The Spark 1.4 release notes
<> say that
Python 3 is supported. The 1.4 docs are incorrect, and the 1.5 programming
guide has been updated to indicate Python 3 support.

On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 7:06 AM <> wrote:

> Dear Spark Community,
> The official documentation of Spark 1.4.1 mentions that Spark runs on Python
> 2.6+
> It is not clear if by “Python 2.6+” do you also mean Python 3.4 or not.
> There is a resolved issue on this point which makes me believe that it
> does run on Python 3.4:
> Maybe the documentation is simply not up to date ? The programming guide
> mentions that it does not work for Python 3:
> Do you confirm that Spark 1.4.1 does run on Python3.4?
> Thanks in advance for your reaction!
> Regards,
> Shoira
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