Hello All, I have a following SQL query like this:
select a.a_id, b.b_id, c.c_id from table_a a join table_b b on a.a_id = b.a_id join table_c c on b.b_id = c.b_id In scala i have done this so far: table_a_rdd = sc.textFile(...) table_b_rdd = sc.textFile(...) table_c_rdd = sc.textFile(...) val table_a_rowRDD = table_a_rdd.map(_.split("\\x07")).map(line => (line(0), line)) val table_b_rowRDD = table_a_rdd.map(_.split("\\x07")).map(line => (line(0), line)) val table_c_rowRDD = table_a_rdd.map(_.split("\\x07")).map(line => (line(0), line)) Each line has the first value at its primary key. While I can join 2 RDDs using table_a_rowRDD.join(table_b_rowRDD) to join, is it possible to join multiple RDDs in a single expression? like table_a_rowRDD.join(table_b_rowRDD).join(table_c_rowRDD) ? Also, how can I specify the column on which I can join multiple RDDs?