Anyone has any clue what's going on.? Why would caching with 2g memory much
faster than with 15g memory?

Thanks very much!

On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 2:02 PM, Jia Zhan <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am running Spark locally in one node and trying to sweep the memory size
> for performance tuning. The machine has 8 CPUs and 16G main memory, the
> dataset in my local disk is about 10GB. I have several quick questions and
> appreciate any comments.
> 1. Spark performs in-memory computing, but without using RDD.cache(), will
> anything be cached in memory at all? My guess is that, without RDD.cache(),
> only a small amount of data will be stored in OS buffer cache, and every
> iteration of computation will still need to fetch most data from disk every
> time, is that right?
> 2. To evaluate how caching helps with iterative computation, I wrote a
> simple program as shown below, which basically consists of one saveAsText()
> and three reduce() actions/stages. I specify "spark.driver.memory" to
> "15g", others by default. Then I run three experiments.
> *       val* *conf* = *new* *SparkConf*().setAppName(*"wordCount"*)
>        *val* *sc* = *new* *SparkContext*(conf)
>        *val* *input* = sc.textFile(*"/InputFiles"*)
>       *val* *words* = input.flatMap(line *=>* line.split(*" "*)).map(word
> *=>* (word, *1*)).reduceByKey(_+_).saveAsTextFile(*"/OutputFiles"*)
>       *val* *ITERATIONS* = *3*
>       *for* (i *<-* *1* to *ITERATIONS*) {
>           *val* *totallength* = input.filter(line*=>*line.contains(*"the"*
> )).map(s*=>*s.length).reduce((a,b)*=>*a+b)
>       }
> (I) The first run: no caching at all. The application finishes in ~12
> minutes (2.6min+3.3min+3.2min+3.3min)
> (II) The second run, I modified the code so that the input will be cached:
>                  *val input = sc.textFile("/InputFiles").cache()*
>      The application finishes in ~11 mins!! (5.4min+1.9min+1.9min+2.0min)!
>      The storage page in Web UI shows 48% of the dataset  is cached, which
> makes sense due to large java object overhead, and
> is 0.6 by default.
> (III) However, the third run, same program as the second one, but I
> changed "spark.driver.memory" to be "2g".
>    The application finishes in just 3.6 minutes (3.0min + 9s + 9s + 9s)!!
> And UI shows 6% of the data is cached.
> *From the results we can see the reduce stages finish in seconds, how
> could that happen with only 6% cached? Can anyone explain?*
> I am new to Spark and would appreciate any help on this. Thanks!
> Jia

Jia Zhan

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