Thanks Michael, I'll try it out. Another quick/important question: How do I
make udfs available to all of the hive thriftserver users? Right now, when
I launch a spark-sql client, I notice that it reads the ~/.hiverc file and
all udfs get picked up but this doesn't seem to be working in hive
thriftserver. Is there a way to make it work in a similar way for all users
in hive thriftserver?

Thanks again!

On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 12:34 PM, Michael Armbrust <>

> Not the most obvious place in the docs... but this is probably helpful:
> You likely want to put each user in their own pool.
> On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 11:55 AM, Sadhan Sood <>
> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Does anyone have fair scheduling working for them in a hive server? I
>> have one hive thriftserver running and multiple users trying to run queries
>> at the same time on that server using a beeline client. I see that a big
>> query is stopping all other queries from making any progress. Is this
>> supposed to be this way? Is there anything else that I need to be doing for
>> fair scheduling to be working for the thriftserver?

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